Monday, February 01, 2010

India Fashion Forum 2010 Review and Franchising 

What an exciting week. Like all good things, India Fashion Forum too had to come to an end. Two Days, over 1000 Brands and even more delegates, along with lots of networking. The India Fashion Forum was supported by Way2Franchise Corp. We are happy to support this event, make all those connections. 

There were about 30 Clothing and Apparel Franchise Brands present at the event.  Some of the brands at the event were: Ballyfabs, Barista Belmonte, Blackberry, Chhabra Triple Five Fashions, Gini & Jony, Gitanjali, Lifestyle Isabelle, Lerros, Liberty Shoes, Manyavar, FI India, Hunt Accessories, Lilliput, Bespoke Clothing, PUMA, Raymonds, Spykar, Titan, Tommy Hilfiger, Triumph and a few other franchise, business and retail opportunities. There were several startup franchisors present at the event. I would not take those franchise opportunities very seriously.  

Mr. Gautam Singhania, the MD of Raymonds Ltd. was the Chairperson and the Keynote for this event, he started off a little delayed, however his speech was well worth it. He started off by comparing India and China. He said that while India has several apparel brands that have made an impact internationally, very few have been able to do so from China. Even domestically, China does not have any noteworthy brands. While, China is very export driven, India has a very strong robust domestic market. India vs. China in the clothing and apparel business is more like Value vs. Volume. India ranks high in value and has seen its exports increase gradually. The strong Indian domestic market has today led to Raymonds Ltd. being the world's largest producer or worsted wool. 

The Raymonds Store, continues to grow very rapidly within India as well. One of the recent store openings was at a district in Barwan UP, (considering franchise expansion only in Class 4 and 5 towns). It was a 2500 sq ft store and one of the first day it clocked a sale of a whopping Rs. 21 Lakhs, on the second day it was another Rs. 7.5 Lakhs. This just explains the power of franchising. Raymonds is today one of the oldest franchise brands in this country. 

The India Fashion Forum continues to be one of the biggest forums for the fashion industry, it is not just the industry stalwarts that attend this event, but it also the franchisees of all of these companies. It is a great one for networking as well. The event was concluded along with Images Fashion Awards, on a nice star studded evening. 

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